Fastansat software konsulent

Vi leder efter en dygtig software konsulent til vores hold af skarpe udviklere

Viktor Andersen
Anders Kristiansen
Søren Jessen
Magnus Andersen
Thomas Laursen
Emilie Nielsen
Har du lyst til at være en del af en virksomhed i et ungt, socialt og ambitiøst miljø? Hos Better Developers har vi en passion for både de nyeste teknologier og et stærkt socialt fællesskab. Vi søger talentfulde softwareudviklere, der vil skabe mere end bare gode softwareløsninger og få muligheden for at blive medejer af virksomheden.

Better Developers er et konsulentfirma beliggende i Aarhus. Vores mission er at skabe et konsulenthus af udviklere - for udviklere, og vi tilbyder medarbejderaktier til alle vores medarbejdere. Vi tror på, at fælles ejerskab skaber et stærkere engagement og en bedre arbejdsplads for alle, og vi vil gerne have, at alle deler succes og vækst.

Tech stack og fokusområder

  • Kvalitet er kernen i vores arbejde, og vi stræber konstant efter at levere de bedste løsninger for vores kunder.

  • Vores hovedfokus ligger inden for webudvikling, men vi byder også velkommen til kandidater med kompetencer i mobiludvikling og andre teknologiske områder.

  • At holde os ajour med de nyeste teknologier er en passion hos os, og vi værdsætter dybdegående sparring om både frontend- og backend-udvikling.

Kerneopgaver som softwareudviklingskonsulent hos os

  • Varetage kundens behov og skabe værdi gennem teknologi.

  • Skrive en masse kode og udvikle løsninger i forskellige kodebaser.

  • Tilegne dig erfaring inden for mange forskellige teknologier og værktøjer.

  • Være en del af at forme en virksomhed fra bunden og bidrage til vores vækst.

  • Blive en haj til bordfodbold eller bordtennis til vores sociale arrangementer.

Kvalifikationer og personlige egenskaber

Vi søger full stack-, frontend- eller backendudviklere uanset erfaring og baggrund. Vi fokuserer på dit talent og dine færdigheder.

  • Du er dygtig og har viljen til at lære og udvikle dig fagligt.

  • Du stræber efter at følge principperne bag SOLID, DRY, clean code og anden gode kodeskik.

  • Du er god til at kommunikere og kan arbejde sammen med skiftende teams hos kunderne.

  • Din rolle vil variere afhængigt af dine kvalifikationer, og der er rig mulighed for at præge din egen stilling i en nyopstartet virksomhed.

Er du klar til at hoppe ombord på vores fælles rejse mod succes? Send din ansøgning og CV til os i dag! Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.

Vi opfordrer alle kvalificerede kandidater uanset køn, alder, seksualitet, etnisk tilhørsforhold, religion eller handicap til at søge stillingen.

Statement of Consent


Søren Skou Jessen


Telephone number: +45 53 80 00 54

Rosenkrantzgade 19B, 1.

Postal code 8000 Aarhus C

Company registration (CVR) no. 43791370

Purpose of processing and the legal basis

This Statement of Consent regards processing, storing and transferring data to potential customers of CV, as well as data that the data subject has provided in this connection. Upon submission of the Statement of Consent, Better Developers is entitled to process personal data as mentioned below for the purposes stated. Better Developers ApS advises data subjects not to provide any type of data that can be regarded as belonging to special categories in their CVs.

Consent regards the following data

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Data that the data subject has stated in a CV

Consent regards the following processing

  • Storage of a CV in the company’s CV data base and system for administration of consultants
  • Processing of CVs in the company in connection with the sale of the data subject as a consultant
  • Transfer of a CV to potential customers – this must always only be done with prior acceptance by the data subject.
  • Transfer of anonymous CV to potential customers – this will be done without any other acceptance then this agreement.
  • Processing of personal data in Outlook regarding communication.

Statement of Consent

This consent is given voluntarily by the data subject and is not entitled to other conditions, including fulfilment of contract. It must be noted that Better Developers ApS is not able to offer the consultant any potential tasks without permission to send the CV to a potential customer. This does not affect previous or current conditions. Better Developers ApS informs customers and potential customers that CVs must not be stored for a longer time than may be expected to be reasonable with regard to making decisions on any filling of a consultant task vacancy.

Source of the data

Data that is collected in relation to this Statement of Consent comes from a CV that the data subject has either sent by email to the company or uploaded via the website.

Data on withdrawal of consent

It is possible for the data subject to withdraw his or her consent at any given time. Withdrawal of consent takes place by sending an email to, after which the controller provides information that the consent has been withdrawn. The controller then deletes the CV from the database.

The data subject’s rights

The controller’s obligation to provide information

The controller must inform all recipients to which personal data has been transferred when the data subject has exercised his or her rights regarding any rectification or erasure of personal data or limitation of processing that is carried out pursuant to Article 16, Article 17(1) and Article 18, so that the required actions are carried out by the parties to ensure the rights of the data subject.

The controller’s obligation to provide information

The controller must inform all recipients to which personal data has been transferred when the data subject has exercised his or her rights regarding any rectification or erasure of personal data or limitation of processing that is carried out pursuant to Article 16, Article 17(1) and Article 18, so that the required actions are carried out by the parties to ensure the rights of the data subject.

  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right of erasure
  • Right to object
  • Right to limitation
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to withdraw consent
  • Right to withdraw consent

The controller shall inform the data subject, without undue delay, about how the company handles the exercising of data subject’s rights on the part of the data subject.

This is how to exercise your rights

Right of access:

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right of access with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject can send an email to and request to obtain the data that is registered, as well as the purposes for which it is collected.

Right to rectification

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to rectification with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject can log in to his or her profile at and correct the data that the company has registered in connection with this Statement of Consent, as well as the purposes for which it has been collected.

Right of erasure

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right of erasure with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to, stating which data is wanted to be erased.

Upon receipt of the data subject’s request for erasure, the controller assesses whether there are exceptions to erasure. In case the controller finds exceptions to erasure, the controller shall provide information about the grounds and legal basis for the exceptions. Unless there are exceptions, the controller erases the data subject’s personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent and notifies the data subject about this.

Right to object

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to object to processing of personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to exercise his or her right to object. The controller must then ensure that personal data will not be processed for the purpose for which it has been collected as long as there is a current objection to processing that has not been concluded.

Right to limitation

You have the right to request limitations to the processing of your data.

You may send an email to, which will then be processed by the controller. If your request regarding limitations to processing are justifiable, we ensure that processing of your personal data is limited. You will then receive confirmation with information about which activities have been carried out, as well as an assessment.

Right to data portability

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to data portability with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to exercise his or her right to data portability. The controller then ensures that personal data is provided to the data subject in an ordinary, machine-readable format.

Right to withdraw consent

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to withdraw this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to withdraw his or her consent, as well as the purpose for which consent was given. The controller must then ensure that personal data will not be processed for the purpose for which it has been collected. If there are no exceptions or legal obligations, the data subject must ensure that the personal data is erased.

Right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to withdraw this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:



Søren Skou Jessen


Telephone number: +45 53500054


Anders Kristiansen


Rosenkrantzgade 19B

Postal code 8000 Aarhus C

Company registration (CVR) no. 43791370

Transfer to third countries

Transfer is made to third countries. Better Developers ApS uses Google G suite, which stores the data about which consent has been given. Google G suite is under EU US Privacy Shield, which is approved by the European Commission as complying with sufficient security.

The period of time during which the company stores and processes personal data

The company stores and processes personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent as long as there is a legal basis for processing, unless one of the following is applicable, in accordance with which personal data will be deleted:

  • The Statement of Consent has been withdrawn
  • The Statement of Consent has expired
  • Information has been incorrectly provided and it has not been possible to identify the data subject with regard to making a decision and rectifying personal data
  • The company no longer offers the service that requires processing and for which this consent has been given


The company stores a copy of this Statement of Consent as proof that the data subject has given consent, and that the conditions for consent have been met. The Statement of Consent is stored securely. The data subject receives a copy at the email address that has been provided, if possible.

The duration of the consent

Consent is applicable until it is withdrawn

Acceptance of the Statement of Consent

I hereby consent to allowing Better Developers ApS to store and process the data that I have provided for the purposes described in the section, Purposes for processing and legal basis. I have been informed of my rights as noted above. The Statement of Consent has been given voluntarily, so that Better Developers ApS can provide the services that I have accepted. The consent has been understood and given electronically.

Statement of Consent


Søren Skou Jessen


Telephone number: +45 53 80 00 54

Rosenkrantzgade 19B, 1.

Postal code 8000 Aarhus C

Company registration (CVR) no. 43791370

Purpose of processing and the legal basis

This Statement of Consent regards processing, storing and transferring data to potential customers of CV, as well as data that the data subject has provided in this connection. Upon submission of the Statement of Consent, Better Developers is entitled to process personal data as mentioned below for the purposes stated. Better Developers ApS advises data subjects not to provide any type of data that can be regarded as belonging to special categories in their CVs.

Consent regards the following data

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Data that the data subject has stated in a CV

Consent regards the following processing

  • Storage of a CV in the company’s CV data base and system for administration of consultants
  • Processing of CVs in the company in connection with the sale of the data subject as a consultant
  • Transfer of a CV to potential customers – this must always only be done with prior acceptance by the data subject.
  • Transfer of anonymous CV to potential customers – this will be done without any other acceptance then this agreement.
  • Processing of personal data in Outlook regarding communication.

Statement of Consent

This consent is given voluntarily by the data subject and is not entitled to other conditions, including fulfilment of contract. It must be noted that Better Developers ApS is not able to offer the consultant any potential tasks without permission to send the CV to a potential customer. This does not affect previous or current conditions. Better Developers ApS informs customers and potential customers that CVs must not be stored for a longer time than may be expected to be reasonable with regard to making decisions on any filling of a consultant task vacancy.

Source of the data

Data that is collected in relation to this Statement of Consent comes from a CV that the data subject has either sent by email to the company or uploaded via the website.

Data on withdrawal of consent

It is possible for the data subject to withdraw his or her consent at any given time. Withdrawal of consent takes place by sending an email to, after which the controller provides information that the consent has been withdrawn. The controller then deletes the CV from the database.

The data subject’s rights

The controller’s obligation to provide information

The controller must inform all recipients to which personal data has been transferred when the data subject has exercised his or her rights regarding any rectification or erasure of personal data or limitation of processing that is carried out pursuant to Article 16, Article 17(1) and Article 18, so that the required actions are carried out by the parties to ensure the rights of the data subject.

The controller’s obligation to provide information

The controller must inform all recipients to which personal data has been transferred when the data subject has exercised his or her rights regarding any rectification or erasure of personal data or limitation of processing that is carried out pursuant to Article 16, Article 17(1) and Article 18, so that the required actions are carried out by the parties to ensure the rights of the data subject.

  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right of erasure
  • Right to object
  • Right to limitation
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to withdraw consent
  • Right to withdraw consent

The controller shall inform the data subject, without undue delay, about how the company handles the exercising of data subject’s rights on the part of the data subject.

This is how to exercise your rights

Right of access:

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right of access with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject can send an email to and request to obtain the data that is registered, as well as the purposes for which it is collected.

Right to rectification

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to rectification with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject can log in to his or her profile at and correct the data that the company has registered in connection with this Statement of Consent, as well as the purposes for which it has been collected.

Right of erasure

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right of erasure with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to, stating which data is wanted to be erased.

Upon receipt of the data subject’s request for erasure, the controller assesses whether there are exceptions to erasure. In case the controller finds exceptions to erasure, the controller shall provide information about the grounds and legal basis for the exceptions. Unless there are exceptions, the controller erases the data subject’s personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent and notifies the data subject about this.

Right to object

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to object to processing of personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to exercise his or her right to object. The controller must then ensure that personal data will not be processed for the purpose for which it has been collected as long as there is a current objection to processing that has not been concluded.

Right to limitation

You have the right to request limitations to the processing of your data.

You may send an email to, which will then be processed by the controller. If your request regarding limitations to processing are justifiable, we ensure that processing of your personal data is limited. You will then receive confirmation with information about which activities have been carried out, as well as an assessment.

Right to data portability

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to data portability with regard to personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to exercise his or her right to data portability. The controller then ensures that personal data is provided to the data subject in an ordinary, machine-readable format.

Right to withdraw consent

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to withdraw this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:

The data subject may write an email to stating that the data subject wants to withdraw his or her consent, as well as the purpose for which consent was given. The controller must then ensure that personal data will not be processed for the purpose for which it has been collected. If there are no exceptions or legal obligations, the data subject must ensure that the personal data is erased.

Right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority

If the data subject wishes to exercise his or her right to withdraw this Statement of Consent, the data subject shall do as follows:



Søren Skou Jessen


Telephone number: +45 53500054


Anders Kristiansen


Rosenkrantzgade 19B

Postal code 8000 Aarhus C

Company registration (CVR) no. 43791370

Transfer to third countries

Transfer is made to third countries. Better Developers ApS uses Google G suite, which stores the data about which consent has been given. Google G suite is under EU US Privacy Shield, which is approved by the European Commission as complying with sufficient security.

The period of time during which the company stores and processes personal data

The company stores and processes personal data that has been provided in connection with this Statement of Consent as long as there is a legal basis for processing, unless one of the following is applicable, in accordance with which personal data will be deleted:

  • The Statement of Consent has been withdrawn
  • The Statement of Consent has expired
  • Information has been incorrectly provided and it has not been possible to identify the data subject with regard to making a decision and rectifying personal data
  • The company no longer offers the service that requires processing and for which this consent has been given


The company stores a copy of this Statement of Consent as proof that the data subject has given consent, and that the conditions for consent have been met. The Statement of Consent is stored securely. The data subject receives a copy at the email address that has been provided, if possible.

The duration of the consent

Consent is applicable until it is withdrawn

Acceptance of the Statement of Consent

I hereby consent to allowing Better Developers ApS to store and process the data that I have provided for the purposes described in the section, Purposes for processing and legal basis. I have been informed of my rights as noted above. The Statement of Consent has been given voluntarily, so that Better Developers ApS can provide the services that I have accepted. The consent has been understood and given electronically.

Vi leder efter en dygtig software konsulent til vores hold af skarpe udviklere

Viktor Andersen
Anders Kristiansen
Søren Jessen
Magnus Andersen
Thomas Laursen
Emilie Nielsen



Remote first


Work-life balance




Tæt fælleskab drevet af udviklere


Høj faglighed og udvikling